Stallholders' Meetings
Stallholders' Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 10.30am at Burger Bulls, 73-75 Kable Avenue, Tamworth, across from Bicentennial Park.
Our next meeting will be on:
10th December 2024
Please join us!
Annual General Meetings are held each year and our next AGM will be on 13th August 2025 at 10.30am at Tamworth City Bowling Club.
All stallholders are invited.
The Minutes of the last AGM are as follows:
PRESENT: J. Simpson, P Blinman, R. Mowbray, R. Morphett, B Ford, G. Riley, S. Rodd, S. Williams, H. MiLane
APOLOGIES: G, Ward, G. O’Neill, S. Bradley, A. Symonds, J. Lennon, S. Woodward.
Moved G. Riley Seconded S. Rodd that the apologies be accepted. Carried.
John Simpson has written a short history of the markets which he has sent to Hether MiLane who is going to update.
John is very happy with how the markets are going; stall numbers appear to be over 20 and even getting up to 30 at times. This is our 9th year with 4 different venues and our bank balance is looking good. We are making money and also spending wisely with advertising on 88.9 and, in the immediate future, an advertisement in the Bush Telegraph.
John reported that Suzanne Williams is doing an excellent job as our co-ordinator, to which everyone agreed. The Committee will need to discuss with Suzanne what will happen prior to June.
Moved J. Simpson Seconded P. Blinman that the Chairman’s Report be accepted. Carried.
Moved H. MiLane Seconded J. Simpson that the minutes were a true and accurate record. Carried.
Balance as at end of Financial Year $13,153.19
Nothing to report. Minute-taking is fine and no correspondence to S. Rodd’s knowledge.
Moved S. Rodd Seconded G Riley that this be accepted. Carried.
I have enjoyed being the market co-ordinator for Tamworth Community Saturday Markets and working with the committee over the past 12 months.
We have had another successful year and it looks like this will continue now that we are settled in our current site. Having a regular coffee van, thanks to the Coffeys, we are able to encourage market customers to stay and browse with comfort.
Many new stallholders have applied during the past 12 months. There is a good variety of items being offered for sale even when the same type of product is there. For example, some people have fresh flowers and others sell dried flower arrangements. We also have the Animal Welfare League who have a great presence on Kable Avenue and offer cute kittens for adoption.
On average over the 12-month period we have 24 stallholders per market but this takes into account a winter lull and wet days. On both 13 December 2023 and 25 May 2024, there were 30 stallholders. This compares with the previous 12 months when on average we had 20 stallholders per market. Many go to several local markets so are not always attending ours.
Our online presence is improving with Facebook and Instagram. I begin the advertising campaign at the beginning of the week. Some pages where I share our post take a day or so to approve it, so it is best to keep posting all through the week.
We also have a draft website which will be shown today. This should increase our advertising capability as people don’t have to use social media to find us. We can offer continuous support to all our regular stallholders with their name and photos of their products.
I look forward to working with you all again for the coming year.
Moved S. Williams Seconded J. Simpson that the report be accepted as presented. Carried.
John thanked everyone to the past 3 years.
G. Riley elected as Temporary Chairperson
All positions were declared vacant.
CHAIRPERSON G. Riley nominated by S. Rodd Seconded R. Mowbray – Accepted
With no further nominations, G. Riley was elected.
ASSISTANT CHAIRPERSON R. Morphett declined nomination.
J. Simpson nominated by G. Riley Seconded B Ford – Accepted
TREASURER P. Blinman nominated by J. Simpson Seconded G. Riley – Accepted
With no further nominations, P. Blinman was elected.
ASSISTANT TREASURER H. MiLane nominated by G. Riley Seconded S. Rodd – Accepted
With no further nominations received, H. MiLane was elected.
SECRETARY S. Rodd nominated by G. Riley Seconded R. Mowbray – Accepted
With no further nominations received, S. Rodd was elected.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY G. Ward nominated by R. Mowbray. Seconded G. Riley – Accepted (after meeting)
With no further nominations received, G. Ward was elected.
BUSH TELEGRAPH H. MiLane sent a condensed version of the back of the market flyer (A6 size) which had to be in by Friday. Asked for an invoice to be sent to her. G. Riley was advised that it would be out at the end of July. Will be interesting to see if we get any feedback from the ad.
ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE Moved S. Rodd Seconded H. MiLane that the Animal Welfare League do not pay a fee for their stall. Carried.
They will not be counted as our Community Corner Group who when attending a market will not pay a fee.
MARKET REPORTS TO COMMITTEE Stallholders’ phone numbers are not to be on the reports. H. MiLane has email S. Williams a draft of how she would like her to write up the market reports.
FACE PAINTING A suggestion was made by a stallholder that maybe we could get a face painter to the markets which may be an attraction. Caroline Morris does face painting and also is a singer so maybe she might also be interested in busking for the markets as well as the face painting.
Moved S. Rodd Seconded R. Mowbray that if Caroline is interested in the face painting that she would not pay a fee. Carried.
Suzanne is to contact Caroline.
FAIRY FLOSS A suggestion that S. Williams is to contact the fellow who attends the Peel Street Markets just to find out how much power he needs and if we can accommodate him and if he is interested in attending our markets. This would possibly be a good attraction too.
AREA OF MARKET Our area has been extended up to the gravelled area (facing Kable Avenue) where there is more power available.
MUSIC Gayle has put music on a flash drive. However, it will play on her computer but not on Doug’s setup at the markets. Will look further into the problem. Hether has a memory stick that will play 7 to 8 hours of music. She will bring this to the markets.
POWER CORD REEL Moved H. MiLane Seconded R. Morphett that we purchase a reel for P. Plinman’s extension cord which he uses at the markets each market. Cost would be less than $100.00. Carried.
13th August 2025 at 10.30 am
Meeting closed at 11.48 am.
Our next meeting will be on:
10th December 2024
Please join us!
Annual General Meetings are held each year and our next AGM will be on 13th August 2025 at 10.30am at Tamworth City Bowling Club.
All stallholders are invited.
The Minutes of the last AGM are as follows:
PRESENT: J. Simpson, P Blinman, R. Mowbray, R. Morphett, B Ford, G. Riley, S. Rodd, S. Williams, H. MiLane
APOLOGIES: G, Ward, G. O’Neill, S. Bradley, A. Symonds, J. Lennon, S. Woodward.
Moved G. Riley Seconded S. Rodd that the apologies be accepted. Carried.
John Simpson has written a short history of the markets which he has sent to Hether MiLane who is going to update.
John is very happy with how the markets are going; stall numbers appear to be over 20 and even getting up to 30 at times. This is our 9th year with 4 different venues and our bank balance is looking good. We are making money and also spending wisely with advertising on 88.9 and, in the immediate future, an advertisement in the Bush Telegraph.
John reported that Suzanne Williams is doing an excellent job as our co-ordinator, to which everyone agreed. The Committee will need to discuss with Suzanne what will happen prior to June.
Moved J. Simpson Seconded P. Blinman that the Chairman’s Report be accepted. Carried.
Moved H. MiLane Seconded J. Simpson that the minutes were a true and accurate record. Carried.
Balance as at end of Financial Year $13,153.19
Nothing to report. Minute-taking is fine and no correspondence to S. Rodd’s knowledge.
Moved S. Rodd Seconded G Riley that this be accepted. Carried.
I have enjoyed being the market co-ordinator for Tamworth Community Saturday Markets and working with the committee over the past 12 months.
We have had another successful year and it looks like this will continue now that we are settled in our current site. Having a regular coffee van, thanks to the Coffeys, we are able to encourage market customers to stay and browse with comfort.
Many new stallholders have applied during the past 12 months. There is a good variety of items being offered for sale even when the same type of product is there. For example, some people have fresh flowers and others sell dried flower arrangements. We also have the Animal Welfare League who have a great presence on Kable Avenue and offer cute kittens for adoption.
On average over the 12-month period we have 24 stallholders per market but this takes into account a winter lull and wet days. On both 13 December 2023 and 25 May 2024, there were 30 stallholders. This compares with the previous 12 months when on average we had 20 stallholders per market. Many go to several local markets so are not always attending ours.
Our online presence is improving with Facebook and Instagram. I begin the advertising campaign at the beginning of the week. Some pages where I share our post take a day or so to approve it, so it is best to keep posting all through the week.
We also have a draft website which will be shown today. This should increase our advertising capability as people don’t have to use social media to find us. We can offer continuous support to all our regular stallholders with their name and photos of their products.
I look forward to working with you all again for the coming year.
Moved S. Williams Seconded J. Simpson that the report be accepted as presented. Carried.
John thanked everyone to the past 3 years.
G. Riley elected as Temporary Chairperson
All positions were declared vacant.
CHAIRPERSON G. Riley nominated by S. Rodd Seconded R. Mowbray – Accepted
With no further nominations, G. Riley was elected.
ASSISTANT CHAIRPERSON R. Morphett declined nomination.
J. Simpson nominated by G. Riley Seconded B Ford – Accepted
TREASURER P. Blinman nominated by J. Simpson Seconded G. Riley – Accepted
With no further nominations, P. Blinman was elected.
ASSISTANT TREASURER H. MiLane nominated by G. Riley Seconded S. Rodd – Accepted
With no further nominations received, H. MiLane was elected.
SECRETARY S. Rodd nominated by G. Riley Seconded R. Mowbray – Accepted
With no further nominations received, S. Rodd was elected.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY G. Ward nominated by R. Mowbray. Seconded G. Riley – Accepted (after meeting)
With no further nominations received, G. Ward was elected.
BUSH TELEGRAPH H. MiLane sent a condensed version of the back of the market flyer (A6 size) which had to be in by Friday. Asked for an invoice to be sent to her. G. Riley was advised that it would be out at the end of July. Will be interesting to see if we get any feedback from the ad.
ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE Moved S. Rodd Seconded H. MiLane that the Animal Welfare League do not pay a fee for their stall. Carried.
They will not be counted as our Community Corner Group who when attending a market will not pay a fee.
MARKET REPORTS TO COMMITTEE Stallholders’ phone numbers are not to be on the reports. H. MiLane has email S. Williams a draft of how she would like her to write up the market reports.
FACE PAINTING A suggestion was made by a stallholder that maybe we could get a face painter to the markets which may be an attraction. Caroline Morris does face painting and also is a singer so maybe she might also be interested in busking for the markets as well as the face painting.
Moved S. Rodd Seconded R. Mowbray that if Caroline is interested in the face painting that she would not pay a fee. Carried.
Suzanne is to contact Caroline.
FAIRY FLOSS A suggestion that S. Williams is to contact the fellow who attends the Peel Street Markets just to find out how much power he needs and if we can accommodate him and if he is interested in attending our markets. This would possibly be a good attraction too.
AREA OF MARKET Our area has been extended up to the gravelled area (facing Kable Avenue) where there is more power available.
MUSIC Gayle has put music on a flash drive. However, it will play on her computer but not on Doug’s setup at the markets. Will look further into the problem. Hether has a memory stick that will play 7 to 8 hours of music. She will bring this to the markets.
POWER CORD REEL Moved H. MiLane Seconded R. Morphett that we purchase a reel for P. Plinman’s extension cord which he uses at the markets each market. Cost would be less than $100.00. Carried.
13th August 2025 at 10.30 am
Meeting closed at 11.48 am.